Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 Public health services are funded and provided by all levels of government: local, state and territory and the Australian Government. The Australian Government has a leadership role in policy-making and with national issues such as public health, health reform, research and national information management. They are the largest funding provider of healthcare in Australia. Broadly, the Australian Government has responsibility for: + Medicare, the national scheme which provides free or subsidised access to clinically relevant medical, diagnostic and allied health services as specified in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (see section 1.1.2 for further information). + Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which subsidises universal access to a wide range of prescription medicines (see section 1.1.6 for further information). + The purchase of vaccines for the National Immunisation Program. + Rebates for private health insurance premiums, and regulation of private health insurers (see section 1.3.1 for further information). + Veterans’ health care through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). + Subsidies for aged care services, such as residential care and regulation of the aged care sector. + Funding for community-controlled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary healthcare organisations. + Education for health professionals (through Commonwealth-funded university places). + Regulation of therapeutic goods and medical devices through the Therapeutic Goods Administration. + Expanded after-hours general practice and primary care services through Primary Health Networks (see section 1.2 for further information). Australian states and territories are primarily responsible for the delivery and management of public sector health services, and for maintaining direct relationships with most healthcare providers. The state and territory governments are the largest providers of health services, including: + management and administration of public hospitals + funding and management of community and mental health services + delivery of preventative services, such as breast cancer screening and immunisation programs + ambulance and emergency services + public dental clinics + patient transport and subsidy schemes + food safety and handling regulation; and + regulation, inspection, licensing and monitoring of health premises. | 9