Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

HWQ Health Workforce Queensland ieMR Integrated Electronic Medical Record IMG International Medical Graduate IT Information Technology JMO Junior House Officer (Medical) LAM List of Approved Medicines LGA Local Government Area MASS Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme MBA Medical Board of Australia MBS Medical Benefits Schedule MEO Medical Education Officer MET Medical Emergency Team MEU Medical Education Unit MOPP Medical Officer with Private Practice MOW Meals on Wheels MPHS Multi-purpose Health Service MSQ Medication Services Queensland MSPP Medical Superintendent with Private Practice NHA National Healthcare Agreement NESB Non-English-Speaking Background NGO Non-Government Organisation NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council NHTP Nursing Home Type Patient NP Nurse Practitioner NPS National Prescribing Service NRAS National Registration and Accreditation Scheme NRHA National Rural Health Alliance NUM Nurse Unit Manager OHO Office of the Health Ombudsman OH&S Occupational Health and Safety OTS Overseas Trained Specialist PA Physician Assistant PBAC Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme PHC Primary Healthcare PHO Principal House Officer (Medical) PHR Patient Health Record PHS Public Health or Population Health Services PREMs/PROMs Patient Reported Experience Measures / Patient Reported Outcome Measures PSA Pharmaceutical Society of Australia PT Physiotherapists PTSS Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme QA Quality Assurance