Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 Statewide Sexual Assault Help Line Sexual violence is a major social and health issue. Sexual assault is a crime in Queensland and most victims are female. The Queensland public health system provides acute care for people who have been recently sexually assaulted. The Queensland Government has a sexual assault help line operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number is 1800 010 120 (free call). For further information, refer to: St Vincent de Paul The St Vincent de Paul (St. Vinnies) in Queensland has more than 300 Parish Conferences and 8,000 members and volunteers that support around 300,000 people each year, providing social and financial assistance. For further information, refer to: Suicide in Queensland Suicide remains a major public health problem in Australia. A high proportion of people have had contact with a health service in the months, weeks or days prior to their death. This suggests that individuals at risk of suicide are, in principle, identifiable and their deaths may be preventable. Understanding and fulfilling your responsibilities in identifying people at risk of suicide and ensuring they have access to appropriate support and intervention is a key priority for Queensland Health staff. The Queensland Health guidelines on suicide risk assessment and management are available on the QHEPS intranet at : data/assets/pdf_file/0027/1125864/qh-gdl-967.pdf ( accessible only on Queensland Health computers ) For further information refer to: Women’s health centres There are many women’s health centres in Queensland. These centres are just one part of the response to improving the health and wellbeing of Queensland women. The Mobile Women’s Health Service is a network of specially trained women’s health nurses who provide a free and confidential service to Queensland women, aiming to improve the health and well- being of women in rural and remote areas of Queensland. For further information, refer to : | 75