Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

National data establishes that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples experience much poorer health outcomes than other Australians. The 2020-2022 life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Other Queenslanders was estimated to be 7 years for males and 7 years for females. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) states that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy estimates are not comparable over time due to changing identification and undercount. It is clear however, that the gap in life expectancy will almost certainly not be closed by 2031. A First Nations boy born in Queensland in 2020-2022 had an average life expectancy of 72.9 years. A First Nations girl born in Queensland in the same period had an average life expectancy of 76.6 years. Combined, they accounted for approximately 61.7% of the difference in mortality rate between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other Queenslanders in 2015-2017. *Life expectancy at birth for other Queenslanders minus life expectancy at birth of First nations peoples. Life expectancy estimates for First Nations peoples and gaps are not directly comparable over time. Source 2005-2007 to 2015-2017 : ABS Life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 2015-2017 Source 2020-2022 : ABS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Life Expectancy 2020-2022 The First Nations Health Office (FNHO) plays a lead role in increasing the system-wide visibility and importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and improving health equity and outcomes for Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They develop and deliver Queensland Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policies, services and programs – contributing to change to close the health gap. For further information, refer to: (accessible on Queensland Health computers only) (accessible on Queensland Health computers only)