Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

Disciplinary action, up to and including termination will be taken against employees found to have engaged in behaviour that amounts to workplace harassment and/or sexual harassment. Workplace bullying Repeated and unreasonable behaviour towards an employee/worker or a group of employees/ workers that creates a risk to health and safety and can include: + abusive, insulting, intimidating, offensive language or comments + unjustified criticism, victimising, complaints or spreading rumours + deliberately excluding someone from workplace activities + changing work arrangements to deliberately inconvenience an employee Employee complaints Employees can lodge a grievance both informally or formally. All grievances are managed in a way which is open, transparent and fair and which affords natural justice to all parties involved. For further information, refer to: Employee opinion survey The Working for Queensland survey is conducted annually across Queensland public sector employees to gather feedback on experiences in the workplace to drive organisational improvements. For further information, refer to: ( accessible on Queensland Health computers only) Domestic and family violence All employees have a responsibility to model the public service values and behave in a way that promotes a work environment free of violence and supports colleagues. Information on domestic and family violence, including support resources is available on the Queensland Health intranet at: family-violence (accessible on Queensland Health computers only) Employees are encouraged to complete the Recognise, Respond, Refer online training program to learn how to support a colleague affected by domestic and family violence. Further information, refer to: procedures/patient-safety/duty-of-care/domestic-family-violence/healthcare-workers Appropriate internet, social media and email use All employees are required to use internet and email systems appropriately. All staff need to be aware of their obligations to utilise these systems ethically and in line with current Queensland