Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 + Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS): Operates as a state-wide service, delivering pre- hospital ambulance response services, emergency and non-emergency pre-hospital patient care and transport services, inter-facility ambulance transport, casualty room services, and planning and coordination of multi-casualty incidents and disasters. + Queensland Public Health and Scientific Services: Delivers policies, programs, services and regulatory functions that aim to improve the health of the Queensland population by promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, detecting and preventing disease and injury; and supporting high quality healthcare service delivery. + Strategy, Policy and Reform Division: Responsible for driving the strategic agenda for public health in Queensland and works closely with other Queensland government agencies and cross-jurisdictional colleagues, including at the Commonwealth level. + Forensic Science Queensland: an interim Queensland Health business unit which provides independent, expert oversight of the delivery of forensic DNA and chemistry services within Queensland. The Executive Directors’ Medical Services (EDMS) Forum and the Health Service Chief Executives’ (HSCE) Forum are the main interface between HHSs and the Department. For further health system induction materials, refer to: | 19