Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 Provider and prescriber numbers Services Australia allocates Medicare provider and prescriber numbers to medical practitioners where they meet the eligibility requirements. These numbers have distinct and separate uses. Your local medical administration team can assist you through the process of obtaining provider and prescriber numbers. Provider numbers Your provider number is used to identify you as a medical practitioner by Services Australia. It is not illegal to work without a provider number, however if you do not have one, patients are not able to receive a rebate from Medicare for the services you provide. A Medicare provider number does not automatically allow you to attract Medicare rebates for your services. You should ask your employer which level of Medicare access for a provider number you need. A Medicare provider number uniquely identifies both you and the place you work. You will be allocated a separate provider number for every location in which you work. It is your responsibility to ensure that the details relating to your provider number are updated and to apply for a new number if necessary. An application form can be downloaded at: Prescriber numbers A prescriber number is issued to all doctors and must be included on prescriptions (medication orders) when prescribing PBS medicines for patients. It is used to monitor a doctor’s prescribing patterns. This number is allocated as part of the application process for your first provider number. It is important that you have this number by the time you start your intern year, otherwise the hospital will be unable to claim reimbursement from the Australian Government for medicines you prescribe to patients being discharged. The number needs to be provided to your local medical administration unit and your hospital pharmacy during your induction. Unlike the provider number, the prescriber number is unique. You will not receive different numbers for different locations or times. You will use this number permanently. E-learning resources are available for health professionals at: professionals | 13